Matrox DualHead2Go DP Edition外接多显示器适配器为笔记本或是台式机添加最多两台DVI显示器。它连接到系统的视频输出,使用系统现有的GPU在所有显示器上提供高质量无压缩的图形和视频。 它是需要更多桌面显示空间以最大限度提高工作效率的专业人士的理想选择。这个小小的黑盒子令寻求独特的多屏显示系统的专业A/V人士和希望有逼真的临场体验的游戏玩家可以在每台显示器上运行不同的应用程序, 或是在多台显示器上观看同一应用程序。
● 可将最多两台显示器连接到系统的一个DisplayPort,Mini DisplayPort视频输出或Thunderbolt端口上
● 创建一个延伸的桌面,最高分辨率为3840x1200 (2x1920x1200)(两台显示器总分辨率)
● 使用系统现有的GPU为办公室,3D设计,多媒体和数字标识展示应用提供坚实的平台
● 在每台显示器上打开一个应用程序,或是跨多台显示器屏幕显示一个应用程序
● HDCP功能,用于播放受版权保护的内容
● 可接显示器和投影仪
● 安装快速而方便——无需打开计算机机箱或是插入元件
● 任务条跨显示器显示,方便调出所有打开的程序
● 运行在克隆模式下时,所有显示器显示同样内容
● 配Matrox PowerDesk软件,方便地管理桌面布局
● 外接设备,不影响您的系统的保修条款
● 可在图形硬件上连接第二台DualHead2Go Digital SE,进一步扩展Windows桌面显示空间,支持同时连接最多4台显示器
1 Contact Matrox for tested versions of leading Linux distributions.
2 Matrox DisplayPort to DVI adaptor (Part # CAB-DP-DVIF) is required to support DVI displays.
3 A 3rd party DisplayPort to VGA active adaptor is required to support VGA displays. Contact Matrox for additional information.
4 Thunderbolt port connectivity is currently supported only with Mac systems. Windows support coming soon.
List of Supported Resolutions
1 This mode runs at 50Hz which may be incompatible with some displays. Verify with your display vendor for compatibility.
2 Resolution not supported with VGA displays.
3 These modes are not available under any Mac OS X operating system.
Supported resolutions are GPU dependent. Please see the system compatibilityinformation to verify the maximum resolution supported by your system. All displays attached to DualHead2Go must run at the same resolution. To access the full listed of supported resolutions, PowerDesk must be downloaded and installed on the system.
System Compatibility
DualHead2Go DP Edition is compatible with a wide range of notebooks and desktop computers. Please see the system compatibility information for more details.